The interaction model between ApyDollar and ApyStore is straightforward. Starting with the circulation value, ApyApp users can purchase paying with ApyDollars in ApyStores, where ApyApp guarantees a minimal redeemable value (MRV) for the ApyDollar.
However, when the market value is above MRV, the current market value is used to the user's benefit. Every time an ApyApp user spends Australian Dollars in ApyStores, 1% of the total AUD sale value paid gets back to the user in the form of ApyDollars rewards (loyalty gis), computed at the current market price. We may from time to time choose to increase the reward ratio above the base rate of 1%. We note that the ApyDollars purchased by ApyApp to reward users come from the open market.
Thus, the ApyApp ecosystem generally creates buying pressure on the ApyDollar.
Switching gears to the dividend value, a further 1% (we may choose to oer a higher percentage value during special promotions) of the total AUD amount spent goes to the allotment pool. People who lock ApyDollars for rewards, called stakers, share this allotment pool proportionately.
The reason behind the “dividend value” terminology is now apparent: ApyApp shares a part of it profit to ApyDollar stakers. Accordingly, increased levels of ApyStore sales correspond with increased dividends for the community. The reader should note that the “dividend value” need not be paid (entirely) in ApyDollars: the cryptocurrency that secures ApyDollar transactions on the blockchain could be used instead.
The whole process makes ApyDollar an anti-inflation asset with high sustainability.
ApyDollar is fueled by and is fuelling both the
* ApyStore
may be operated
by a third party.
$3 converted
to ApyDollars, say 300 ApyD.
100 ApyD added
to the ApyStore wallet *
100 ApyD added
to the stakers’ pool
100 ApyD added to the user’s wallet
Buying pressure on exchanges
User makes $100 purchase in ApyStore
deployment of the ApyStore project and the